Welcome to the official site of D.O.G.S.
Dog Owners of Grape Street Park
Grape Street Park
South Park
San Diego, CA 92102
28th Street and Grape Street

Best Doggone Dog Park in San Diego
Bow Wow!
D.O.G.S. is the city-recognized volunteer user group for this San Diego
neighborhood off-leash park. The city turns to it when issues arise, such as the need to raise money to reseed the turf.
lf you bring your dog to Grape St., you're part of D.O.G.S.
D.O.G.S. was founded even before the city made Grape St. an
official dog park. ln the 1980s the park was a perilous place, used
mainly by the homeless and drug dealers. Neighborhood residents
began walking dogs here and reclaiming the park. Dogs and their owners made it safer. At that time they came to the park at any hour.
Eventually, that led to conflicts with nearby residents over excessive
barking and dogs running into neighbors' property. ln addition, non-dog owners began saying they wanted to use the park. As a result,
dog owners formed a dog-user group - D.O.G.S.
The group voluntarily limited dog owners' access to the park to a few
in the morning, late afternoon, and evening. When Grape St. became an official off-leash park in 1998, those limited hours were retained.
ln practice, apart from those hours, the park was deserted. As a result,
in the year 2000, D.O.G.S. began pushing for expanded off-leash hours
to make greater use of the park. lt took months and years of effort,
including gathering petitions, convening meetings, and organizing dog
owners who appeared before government groups such as the Greater
Golden Hill Planning Committee and The Balboa Park Committee,
to plead the case. Finally, in 2004, the City Council approved the extended off-leash hours now in force.
We hope to keep you informed about park-related issues and address your concerns in keeping the park a safe, well-maintained and enjoyable recreation area for all its' people and paw patrons.
Tucked away in a quiet residential area at the intersection of Grape Street and 28th Streets in South Park, Grape Street Park spans five acres, making it the largest of the three dog parks in Balboa Park. The open grassy fields are surrounded by groves of mature eucalyptus trees. Other amenities include six park tables, dog and human water fountains, a Mini-Agility Course with log hurdles and a tire pass-through, a free Fido-focused lending Library and a people restroom.


As our history suggests, use of this park by off-leash dogs is a
privilege, not a right. lf you bring your dog to the park, it's assumed
you'll follow both city regulations and basic dog- etiquette.
These include:
1. Keeping dogs on a leash in the parking lot or when walking to
and from the park. You can be fined if you don't. ( $200+ Ouch!)
2. Picking up your dogs' waste and any stray waste you see.
3. Watching your dogs closely. This takes precedence over
talking to friends or getting your own exercise.
4. Removing barking dogs to remote corners of the park so they
don't irritate the neighbors. Think of how you'd feel if you lived
D.O.G.S. urges park users to be good citizens and good neighbors
by following the above principles of conduct. Getting the off-leash
hours we currently have took too much effort to risk losing them.
Monday - Friday
7:30AM - 9PM
Saturday, Sunday & Holidays
9AM - 9PM

Mini Obstacle Course and Free Fido Library

These two unique installations at the park were the result of volunteer efforts, business donations of some supplies and the close cooperation of the Balboa Parks and Recreation Department. The course utilizes natural re-purposed park Eucalyptus trees and recycled tires for its dog exercise challenges. As far as we know, this dog book lending library is the only Fido-focused library in the Free Little Library movement. Gratitude goes to Ken Olson for his volunteer carpentry, craftsmanship and donation of materials.
We need your help so we can continue to keep the Grape St. dog park clean, safe, and as beautiful as ever!
Please donate what you can. Every dollar raised will go towards repainting park benches and paying for new ones, water fountains, buying grass seed, and other general maintenance items.
"Headin' TO my favorite park!"

Please slow down on your park approach.
Be safe.