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Have question? We're happy to answer your questions and provide information on dog park related issues and concerns. Please use the Contact Tab above to submit your question. If we don't have the answer, please be patient as we attempt to find an answer or point you towards the direction of one. 

I've never heard of it - what is D.O.G.S.?

D.O.G.S. stands for Dog Owners of Grape Street.

It is the city-recognized Grape St. Park Volunteer non-profit User Group.

What is the Grape Street Park User Group?

The City requires each dog park to have a group of community volunteers who are available to consult on rule changes or when park problems arise.

The volunteers also help raise funds for various improvements to the park such as re-seeding the grass (the city installs and maintains it.)  We also can mobilize dog owners around issues of immediate concerns via our communication avenues - D.O.G.S website, and D.O.G.S. Facebook page - and lobby whatever Board, Planning Commission or City agency is appropriate to advocate for our collective common interests and benefit.


When I search Facebook for Grape. St. Park I get up to three

different results. What is up with that?


One site was begun some years ago as a general place for park users to share. We're not sure who the administrator is.


Another site was begun by a member of our D.O.G.S. User Group under the name Dog Owners of Grape Street. This site was structured as a Group page and require posts to be approved. It has been recently restructured

as an official Organization page under D.O.G.S. Dog Owners of Grape St. which allows you to post, to add us to your Timeline by following us, as well as allows us links to our web page and therefore easy contact access and newsletter sign-up.


Why do we keep running out of waste bags?


Due to the reduction in the grounds maintenance workers that the city provides for San Diego area parks, we have a thin newer team of three people that work Morley Field, Bird Park, and our Grape Street Park. With this limited rotating workforce (instead to having one dedicated worker exclusively for our park as we had before) The City is working with us to address specific problems we find as we bring it to their attention. The consistent availability of waste bags is one of these issues. 


Bringing your own bags from home is always helpful, as is bringing a bag of your leftover grocery bags to share.


Who is responsible for cleaning the bathrooms?

Bathroom maintenance duties are run by the City.

our answer research depawment.

How is the water crisis affecting the Park?


Here's the scoop! 

Grape Street Park is a multi-use park.  That means we get some water for grass and trees.  With a wet winter behind us, water restrictions have been relaxed.  Additionally, a new employee has been hired to service irrigation in our parks.  That relieves the one maintenance worker who was responsible for small repairs to the irrigation system along with his other responsibilities in the park.


What's up with the holes in the park?


 See Did You Know Page, (John Loomis).  Yeah, those holes! The Park worker tries to fill them in when he is able, but with staff limitations, it's not the number one priority. The Parks Department will try to leave a pile of dirt and volunteers will fill the holes in when they can. With cutbacks all over, we need to pitch in to keep the park in the best shape possible. Are you able to volunteer periodically to help out? Use the message box below with the subject I'll help fill to let us know.


Heard tickets were being handed out by SDPD at the park. Why?


On the morning of April 22,2019. Twelve citations were issued over the course of about three hours, mostly for dogs being off-leash in the roughly ten-yard walk between the park entrance and its two-block strip of parking lot on the west side of 28th Street. Officers were also checking licenses as evidence of current rabies vaccinations. Proof of a dog’s license may be requested for a dog in public places, and a leash is required outside defined park bounds — both are listed among a set of rules posted at the entrance to the dog park.


For the safety of people and paw patrons, as well as consideration for our park neighbors, we strongly encourage your compliance with city park regulations.



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